29 | Gender equality – the key for a good future?!
An introduction with examples from East Africa
Formally, women and men have equal rights in East Africa – however, reality often looks different: many women and girls cannot take decisions about their lives, in their families or politics. Violence against women and girls is widespread. While many men can have easier access to political, social and economic power, they are typically under pressure to behave as strong masculine leaders, and are discouraged from developing emotional connections, even with their own families. We at CARE put gender equality in the centre of our work because we know that we cannot overcome poverty and social injustice until all people have equal rights and opportunities. In the workshop we will present stories of women and girls, men and boys from East Africa and share examples of how CARE promotes gender equality and women’s rights. Together we will discuss the key question how gender equality and women’s empowerment can contribute to a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
Aim: Introduction to gender. To gain insights in the situation of women and girls in East Africa and the relevance of gender equality.
Hosted by: CARE Österreich
Workshopleitung: Karen Knipp-Rentrop (CARE Österreich), Olive Uwamarya, (CARE Ruanda), Nedjma Ouerdane (CARE Österreich)
Durchführungszeitraum: Okt. – Nov. 2019 bzw. Jän 2020
Ort: tba
Dauer: 4 Stunden
Kosten: keine
Zusatzinformation: In English with German co-moderation
Anmeldung unter: info.junges@landestheater.org